Pier Press Mission Statement
Our mission is to facilitate a reverent, polite, and informed conversation about topics at the intersection of science and spirit. We seek to present enduring themes in an atmosphere that is scientifically aware and spiritually alert. Our objectives involve helping a community of readers increase Biblical and scientific literacy, enhance personal spiritual development, and gain knowledge about the sciences and the claims made by currently accepted scientific theories. We encourage a view that seeks to reconcile the ways in which religion and science explain spiritual and physical realities.
Our readers are curious about the universe in which they live and eager to learn more about its material and spiritual components. They are open-minded when considering the ways various groups have interpreted data to find meaning, and they are willing to show respect to others even when they disagree. Our readers include people who are affiliated with traditional religious groups, people who have a desire to understand and communicate with questioning or non-religious people, and people who have chosen to eschew traditional religion in favor of a more personally experienced spirituality.