Adapted from portions of Psalms 6, 7, 12, and 32
Lord, in your loving kindness, rebuke me for my wrongdoing.
Rebuke me for not doing the right things I ought to have done.
Have mercy on me. I am sorry. I groan in shame. I weep.
If I have supported injustice, if I have contributed to unethical causes,
Let those who see more clearly show me my mistakes.
Help my nation, Lord. It is hard to find examples of leaders being faithful.
Our officials speak falsely. They engage in deceitful doublespeak.
They demonstrate pride and arrogance.
They oppress the poor and the needy.
Swaggering commanders exalt vile people.
I acknowledge my errors. I confess the crimes of my nation.
Oh, Lord, let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end.
When we turn to you, you will provide instruction.
You will teach us; you will give us understanding.
You will give us songs of joy. We put our trust in you.
(compiled and modified by Karen A. Bellenir)